黃愛貞女士 - 我的奶奶 (1935-2020)
生於香港,長於香港,1957年與我老爺何燊培先生結婚,婚後除了繼續在醫院工作,亦把持家務,照顧丈夫兒女日常起居,無微不至。1993隨兒子移民加拿大,1995正式定居於卑詩省高貴林市, 移民後努力融入加國生活,學習英文(ESL)及太極,她雖然謙稱自己兩様學習都長期處于初級狀態,但其實經過多年堅持,兩様都已掌握得很好,英語可以應付日常溝通;而在太極班中,她雖是最年長的學員,可記性及所學招式绝不遜於年輕一輩。奶奶身材嬌小,行動極為靈活,即使已達85高齡,仍然健步如飛。她那堅毅的眼神 、銀灰的頭髮、操著流利廣東話却不太典型的中國面孔,讓我印象深刻難忘。奶奶一月尾在香港發病,二月中回加國,三月中確診癌病,治療過程雖然辛苦,她從沒放棄,努力抗癌,並且反過來安慰身邊親人不用擔心,承諾她一定努力,不負親人所望。五月十二曰早上十時三十四分,奶奶不敵癌魔,于Port Moody Eagle Ridge Hospital主懷安息。彌留時親人陪伴在側,於一片經文聲中安詳離開。奶奶,正如您離開前四天對我説,您已非常盡力。套用您兒子Stephen常用句子:「媽,人生中,您完滿畢業了!」願您一路走好.
Love from Kit and Stephen
給我最敬愛的奶奶 - 黃愛貞女士,
我感覺到自己非常幸福有妳這個奶奶, 妳教了我很多做人處事的道理、烹調方法等等,一一對我來說都好受用!妳也時常給我鼓勵,對我的愛令我非常感動、舒服!……妳的離世,我很心痛!
雖然今後我只能在心中懷念妳,但我也很想很想在此對妳說 "媽媽我愛妳",很多謝妳對我的愛舆包容!
Love from Fornia & Louis
Say goodbye to my dearest wonderful mother,
I know why you always told me to be strong before, because you knew that one day I would need the strength to bear the loss of yours. Now I know how painful it is.
I am incredibly blessed to have a mom like you in my life. You gave me love and watched me grow, you taught me things, I’d need to know, you comfort me & dried me tears. You gave me laughter throughout the years, you taught me to care, to be understanding. No one can take your place mom. You were a wonderful wife to father, a caring mother to us and the greatest grandma to your grandchildren.
After your death I realized that I missed an opportunity to tell you that how much I love you! I miss you so much!
Thankfully, treasured memories are able to keep our bond alive.
Mother, I love you and will miss you more than words can say.
Love from: Daughter Cecilia
To my loving grandma,
Since birth, your unconditional love and care has guided me to become the man I am today. I still remember the simpler times in your home where you would mix condensed milk with my milk just to make me drink it! Your kindness is something that I will hold dear to my heart and will keep for a rainy day. Rest easy, continue to look after me from above and we will forever celebrate your life as you deserve.
To my beautiful and loving mother, how can I possibly say good-bye to the person who was the first held me, fed me, and the first made me feel love? From a distance I watch you move about, doing the mundane tasks that to everyone else seem so routine. But for me, the tasks you lovingly completed year after year built the foundation that made my world a safe and comfortable place to grow. All that I am and all that I have can be traced back to you. Whatever accomplishments I have made along the way would not have occurred without first believing myself. And you, you were the person who always believed in me. I love you mom, you showed and taught me what an unconditional love between mother and children likes. Mom, you inspire me and your loving spirit always here with us forever!
Love from : Louis & Stephen.