Vancouver, Canada

Dear Friends,

Dr. Miriam Yu passed away on September 22, 2023. It is always sad when a loved one departs, but according to traditional Chinese custom, departure of an elder is considered a “joyful funeral”, and we celebrate their life despite the mourning. Therefore, let’s celebrate Dr. Yu’s conclusion of nearly one century of elegant, successful, and incredible life, marked by remarkable achievements in educational and social services.

After retiring from her professorial duties, Dr. Yu settled down in Vancouver but continued to dedicate her time in social and public work. She funded and founded a college for seniors, called “Lingnan Elder College” (later renamed “Sage Elder College”) of which she was the president. This allowed her to continue her passion in educational work and also follow her wish to expand Chinese traditional culture.

Dr. Yu was multi-talented. She was an outstanding educator as well as a remarkable painter. She learned from master painters, and her Chinese paintings showed traditional literati spirit, blended with well known “Lingnan Style”. Her personal art work was exhibited in Hong Kong, the UK and Canada and was highly acclaimed.

Now that Dr. Yu has passed on, the image of her elegance, grace, and cordial smile remains. Her legacy of enthusiasm for education and public service volunteer work will always be remembered.

Let’s pray for Dr. Yu, and may she rest in peace!

加拿大 溫哥華


虞崇貞博士永遠離開我們了。永別之情,傷感難免。然而,院長 虞博士以高齡辭世,依中華傳統習俗,高齡長者的去世被視為「 笑喪」,即是帶傷感的歡慶。如是,讓我們一齊來慶賀院長虞博 士能享高壽;瀟灑地,成功地走過近一世紀璀璨美好的人生! 確實,虞博士是一位出類拔萃的非凡女性:她孜孜不倦地求學, 以卓越的學歷,在多所知名大學執教鞭,同時服務於加國聯邦政 府及民間社團的多個機構。

虞博士退休後定居溫哥華。她退而不休,繼續熱心地投入社區義 工服務。出錢出力,創辦了「嶺南長者學院」 (後易名為「頤 智長者學院 Sage Elder College」),自任學院院長。一方面以延續她熱衷的教育工作,另方面可追求達成弘揚中華傳統文化的宿願。

虞博士多才多藝,是一位傑出的教育家,同時亦是一位出色的畫 家。她師承名家書畫,其作品洋溢文人畫及嶺南派的風格,靈秀 高雅,曾在香港、英國及加拿大等地展出,廣受好評。

