His life was at the same time very exciting and very difficult. His first years were in the downtown east side, where his Grandmother and parents lived.
At 16 he moved out on his own, working at various local business. Eventually he became a Boilermaker and spent most of his working hours doing Mill shutdowns, working extra hours in a short time so He could ski. The first part of his adult life consisted of skiing and enjoying the beautiful cars of the 60’s, and 70’s. He drove and skied with abandon often fooling everyone with the ease with which he functioned, as he was an amazing athlete. I always suggested it was his Indian (Cree nation) and German-Russian background combination.
He was badly injured In an Industrial accident which mad him three inches shorter than his original height. For all the rest of his life, about 35 years, he lived on pain killers and courage.
His wife Jeanette was the person who above all kept him going. Even when she got sick and needed intensive care, she was his reason for living until she passed away about 2 years ago. I never met a more dedicated care giver in all my life as he was, for her. His example was amazing.
Ken you humour, kindness and larger than life example will not be forgotten for many years to come.
He passed away in Burnaby Hospital on April 12 at 4:24 am at 75 years of age.