Born on 19th of September 1931, Ionel was the second child of Gheorghe and Zina Rusu, a modest family from Lunca, a village in Southern Romania. He grew up during the Second World War, together with his brother and sister, and attending the local school. His dream was to become a medical doctor, but life had other plans for him. He attended high school in the nearby town, often walking the 12 km days in a row. After high school, he attended the Military College in Bucharest, becoming a nurse.

In 1959 he married Ioana and they moved several times due to his work in the Army. From a garrison near Turnu Severin to the place they eventually called home and where they lived for the rest of their lives in Romania, Piatra Neamt. They had two children, Adriana and Lucia, and raised a happy family of which they were very proud.

Always ready to help when needed, he continued to work part time as a nurse, attending to the patients’ homes, often children and elderly. Ionel was well trusted and appreciated by the community in Piatra Neamt.  In old age, he and his wife followed their daughters and granddaughters to Canada, leaving behind a lifetime of memories, friends, and family. In spite of the health challenges he had to face in the 7 years he lived here, he fell in love with Canada and the Canadians. He was particularly humbled by all the help he received from the health care system and community.

We will remember him as a very kind and generous husband, father, and grandfather. Lighthearted, honest, and simple, he showed respect to everyone and earned everyone’s friendship. Above all, we will remember an intelligent, resourceful, and conscientious man. His conversations enlightened all of us around him.

Ionel s-a nascut pe 19 septembrie 1931, al doilea copil al lui Gheorghe si Zina Rusu, intr-o familie modesta din satul Lunca, in sudul Romaniei. A crescut pe vremea celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, alaturi de un frate si o sora, fiind elev la scoala din sat. Visul lui era sa devina doctor, dar viata a luat un curs diferit. A urmat liceul in orasul vecin, mergand pe jos 12 km dus intors, aproape in fiecare zi. Dupa liceu, a urmat Academia Militara din Bucuresti, si a devenit asistent medical, ajungand pina la gradul de maior.

In 1959 s-a casatorit cu Ioana, si impreuna s-au mutat din oras in oras, in functie de cerintele armatei; de la garnizoana din Turnu Severin pina, in cele din urma, la Piatra Neamt, unde si-au petrecut restul vietii, pana la plecarea din Romania. O familie fericita si cu multe impliniri, au avut doua fete, Adriana si Lucia, de care au fost intotdeauna foarte mandri.

Ionel a continuat sa lucreze ca asistent medical, intotdeauna gata sa ajute unde era nevoie, si ducandu-se adesea acasa la pacienti, mai ales la cei in virsta si la copii. A  fost o persoana foarte apreciata si indragita de comunitatea din Piatra Neamt. La batranete, Ionel si Ioana si-au urmat fetele si nepoatele in Canada, lasand in urma o viata plina de amintiri, familie si prieteni. In ciuda problemelor de sanatate din ultimii 7 ani, Ionel s-a indragostit de tara adoptiva si de canadieni, ca oameni. A fost foarte impresionat de ajutorul si ingrijirea oferite de sistemul medical si de comunitate.

Ni-l vom aminti pe veci ca pe un sot, tata si bunic generos si iubitor, inteligent si constiincios. Un om onest, simplu, plin de optimism si cu simtul umorului, Ionel i-a respectat intotdeauna pe cei din jur si le-a castigat prietenia si aprecierea. Ne vor ramane in minte conversatiile lungi pline de curiozitate si profunzime ale unui om deosebit.