We mourn the passing of Charles Craig Lynch who died July 30, 2021.  He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 30, 1941, to Charles and Alice Lynch.  His parents predeceased him.  We rejoice that Craig lived to see his 80th birthday.

Craig completed the requirements of his teaching certificate and began his teaching career in high school in Santa Clara, California for seven years.  Then he moved his family to the North Peace River Region (Fort St. John and Charlie Lake) where he taught in the Junior High and Elementary grades until his retirement in 1996.  He enjoyed teaching and was involved in the athletics programs as a coach for several sport teams and participated in several extracurricular activities like Scouts.  He was involved in his church and took part in community events.

In retirement, Craig found his passion in barbershop singing.  He belonged to the Chilliwack Harmony Chorus and the Langley Capital Chorus and participated in competitions and conferences throughout the lower mainland.  He also sang with the Christ Lutheran Church Choir and the Heritage Singers who sang in the care homes.  He will always be remembered for his resounding, deep bass voice.

Craig is survived by his loving wife, Hermie and their two children Christina (Len) Pauls and Michael (Debi) Lynch; his grandchildren Shawn (Kayla), Aaron (Aja), Jesse (Jennifer), Jane (Heath) Read and Zander Smith.  Craig was blessed with eight great-grandchildren, with one more on the way.  Many of his family, friends and relatives will miss the smile on his face and the sparkle in his eye.

In closing, the family expresses their deepest gratitude and appreciation to those who provided care and compassion for Craig since 2014.  The devoted caregivers brought life into his everyday routine and the nursing staff of 3 North in the Chilliwack General Hospital gave us free access to Craig in his last week.  His passing has left a big whole in everyone’s hearts.  We miss him terribly but know he is free from pain, and we will meet again in God’s time.

The memorial service for Craig will be held at the Main Street Chapel (45830 Princess Ave Chilliwack BC) on August 21 @ 10:30 am.  The service will be lived streamed from the Main Street Church YouTube channel.  No flowers, please.  If you desire, donations to the BC Cancer Foundation or to the Christ Lutheran Church Music Fund ( christlutheranchilliwack.com) would be greatly appreciated.

The journey continues ...